Be Sure That Your Business Is Prepared for an Emergency | SERVPRO® of Wilson County
3/20/2020 (Permalink)
Being aware of any potential hazards to your business is a very important skill, and it is especially wise to consider the impact that a natural disaster can have.
Preparedness can make the disaster recovery process much easier and help you avoid common financial pitfalls that many business owners face in their wake. By gaining an understanding of how prepared your business is, you can better determine where you can improve upon your efforts.
By breaking disaster preparedness down into three main categories, it makes it much easier to stay organized and understand what efforts you should take to protect your investment. Here are the main things to consider when preparing your business for a disaster:
Adequate insurance coverage is something that is extremely important for a business regardless of whether a disaster is a possibility or not, but considering the impact that one can have makes it especially crucial. Many commercial policies are not enough to protect against disaster damage—specifics are excluded in some cases, and there are often gaps in what is covered at all. Be aware of what is built into your policy so you can know where additional coverage might be a wise investment.
If a disaster is suddenly on the horizon, executing an evacuation plan quickly is the best way to keep you and your employees safe. Be sure to practice multiple scenarios and utilize multiple exits for the most accurate practice you can get. Additionally, keep your office emergency kit stocked with enough supplies for every staff member in case you must await assistance instead of evacuating.
If your business sustains damage due to a disaster, restoration may be necessary and require an interruption in operations. Understandably, doing this as quickly as possible is top priority for business owners, which is why we recommend determining what disaster restoration specialist you would like to use in advance. Additionally, be aware of your options for disaster loan assistance from the Small Business Administration to aid in recovery.