Recent Mold Remediation Posts

Bidding Adieu to Summer: Mold Remediation for a Healthy Home & Business Environment

8/29/2023 (Permalink)

Mold Remediation by SERVPRO of Wilson County Image of a man spraying a protectant solution on a wall to protect the building from mold growth

As the scorching days of summer gradually give way to the cooler embrace of autumn, we find ourselves reflecting on the highs and lows of the past few months. While summer brings joy through vacations, outdoor activities, and a break from routine, it also carries specific challenges.  

One of these challenges is the growth of mold in homes and other buildings, particularly after a hot, humid, and rainy season. Mold can thrive in damp and humid conditions, and the transition from summer to fall can create the perfect breeding ground. This article will delve into the intricacies of mold growth, its potential toxicity, and the importance of mold remediation for maintaining a healthy home and business environment, focusing on the expertise of mold remediation services provided by SERVPRO® of Wilson County

The Perfect Storm: Summer's Impact on Mold Growth 

The idyllic image of summer often overlooks the combination of heat, humidity, and rain, providing an ideal breeding ground for mold. Mold spores, which exist naturally in the air, require moisture to germinate and thrive. Summer's sweltering temperatures, frequent rain showers, and elevated humidity levels create the perfect storm for mold to take root and spread. 

One of the areas most susceptible to mold growth is water-damaged spaces. A leaky roof, poor drainage, clogged gutters, or improper ventilation can accumulate moisture in walls, ceilings, and floors. Combine this with the summer climate in Middle Tennessee, and you have a recipe for mold infestation. 

Mold's Stealthy Invasion 

Mold has a knack for infiltrating our living and working spaces with subtle persistence as it seeks available moisture. It can flourish behind walls, under carpets, and even within HVAC systems, including ductwork. It is even more challenging because it often thrives in hidden areas, making it difficult to detect without the right tools and expertise. 

Mold doesn't just damage the aesthetic appeal of our spaces; it poses potential health risks. Certain types of molds produce mycotoxins, which are toxic substances that can be harmful when inhaled or come into contact with skin. This is why addressing mold growth promptly and effectively is crucial for safeguarding the health and well-being of occupants. 

The Role of Professional Mold Remediation 

Recognizing the signs of mold growth is the first step in addressing the issue. These signs include musty odors, discolored patches on walls or ceilings, and exacerbating respiratory symptoms in occupants. Once you suspect mold growth, it is imperative to call us. 

Our mold remediation process is a comprehensive approach that aims to remove visible mold and address the underlying causes to prevent future growth. Here is an overview of the steps involved when enlisting mold remediation and restoration services

  • Inspection and Assessment. Trained and experienced technicians conduct thorough inspections and assessments of the affected areas, using advanced equipment to detect hidden moisture sources and mold growth. 
  • Containment. The affected area is isolated using containment barriers to prevent the spread of mold spores during the mold remediation process. Negative air pressure machines further ensure that spores do not escape and contaminate other parts of the property. 
  • Drying and Dehumidification. Addressing the root cause of mold—moisture—is essential. Professionals employ drying and dehumidification techniques to eliminate excess moisture and prevent future mold growth.  
  • Air Filtration. Powerful air filtration devices with HEPA filters are deployed to capture airborne mold spores and prevent them from settling elsewhere.   
  • Mold Removal. Physical removal of mold-infested materials is carried out meticulously. This includes removing and safely disposing of affected materials like drywall, insulation, and carpets that cannot be salvaged. These specialized techniques prevent further contamination.  
  • Cleaning and Sanitization. All surfaces within the containment area are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized to ensure the elimination of mold residues.  
  • Prevention. Identifying and rectifying the moisture source is pivotal to preventing future mold growth. Whether repairing leaks or improving ventilation, addressing the underlying issue is a cornerstone of effective mold remediation
  •  Repair and Restoration. Once mold removal is complete, any damaged structures or materials are repaired or replaced to restore the affected area. This final step involves restoring the property to its pre-mold condition. Whether this involves minor repairs or a major reconstruction, depending on the extent of damage, our technicians are highly skilled in addressing the necessary repairs.     

Preventing Mold Growth and Preparing for Mold Cleanup 

There are numerous steps homeowners and property owners can take to prevent mold growth from taking hold. These include: 

  1. Maintain Proper Ventilation. Proper ventilation helps reduce humidity levels indoors. Ensure that your property's ventilation systems are functioning effectively. 
  1. Address Leaks Promptly. Address any leaks from roofs, pipes, or windows as soon as they are detected to prevent moisture buildup. 
  1. Monitor Indoor Humidity. Use a dehumidifier to maintain indoor humidity levels between 30-50%, which is not conducive to mold growth. 
  1. Regular Inspections. Schedule mold damage restoration services to regularly inspect your property for signs of moisture, leaks, or water damage. Addressing mold growth risks and early detection can prevent mold issues from escalating. 

The SERVPRO of Wilson County Advantage 

We are a trusted partner in mold remediation and restoration. Our experienced technicians are equipped with cutting-edge tools and techniques to address mold issues in residential and commercial properties effectively. Working with mold remediation professionals ensures that your home or business environment is safe, healthy, and mold-free. 

As summer bids farewell and we embrace the refreshing breezes of fall, it is also vital to say goodbye to mold. Mold growth not only mars the aesthetic appeal of our spaces but can also have serious health implications. Prompt and professional mold remediation is the key to ensuring a healthy home and business environment. 

Whether you are a homeowner concerned about the integrity of your living space or a business owner striving to provide a safe workplace for your employees and customers, mold remediation is an investment in well-being. So, as we transition from summer to autumn, let's welcome the change with open arms and a mold-free environment. Call us for your mold removal, repair, and restoration needs.

Is Your Office Space Making You Ill? Mold Remediation after a Flood

7/28/2023 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Wilson County's Mold Restoration A woman ill in the office due to mold

Flooding can have a devastating effect on buildings and on the people who live and work in them. The event precipitating a flood can feel shocking, leaving property owners and workers reeling from the destruction. What happens next can be equally traumatic as the focus shifts to cleanup, repair, and restoration. After a flood strikes, the aftermath prompts owners to immediately mitigate water damage and restore normalcy to the affected office space.  

However, even after the floodwater recedes, an invisible threat can instantly cause significant problems: mold. Mold growth is a common consequence of water damage from flooding or other water disasters and can lead to a range of health issues and building problems if left untreated. In this article, let's focus on repairing mold damage. We will explore the importance of mold remediation after a flood in office spaces and discuss the steps mold remediation and restoration professionals take to repair mold damage, ensuring a safe and healthy working environment. 

The Danger of Mold Growth 

Mold, including the potentially harmful black mold, is a fungus that thrives in damp and humid environments. Excess moisture saturates building materials when a flood occurs, creating an ideal breeding ground for mold spores to flourish. If not addressed promptly with a targeted mold remediation plan, mold can spread rapidly, releasing microscopic spores into the air and landing on surfaces. Prolonged mold exposure can lead to respiratory problems, allergies, asthma exacerbation, neurological symptoms, and other health issues. Engaging mold remediation professionals to assess and treat mold growth in office spaces after a flood is crucial. 

The Mold Remediation Process 

Inspection and Assessment. The first step in mold remediation and mold damage repair is a thorough inspection of the office space by SERVPRO® of Wilson County commercial mold remediation professionals. They examine the entire property, assess the extent of the mold damage, identify the source of moisture, and determine the type of mold present. This comprehensive evaluation allows them to develop an appropriate mold remediation plan tailored to the specific needs of the affected area. 

Containment and Air Filtration. To prevent the spread of mold spores to unaffected areas, mold remediation experts establish containment measures. This involves sealing off the affected space using physical barriers and negative air pressure systems. High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration devices are then employed to capture mold spores from the air, ensuring a safer working environment during the remediation process. 

Mold Damage Removal and Cleanup. The next step is the physical removal of mold-infested materials. Mold remediation professionals use specialized tools and techniques to safely remove affected materials, such as drywall, carpets, insulation, and furniture. They meticulously clean and disinfect the area, eliminating mold spores from surfaces and reducing the risk of regrowth. 

Drying and Dehumidification. Effective drying and dehumidification are vital to prevent future mold growth. Mold remediation and repair experts use industrial-grade equipment, such as air movers and dehumidifiers, to thoroughly dry the affected areas. By reducing humidity levels and ensuring proper ventilation, they create an environment inhospitable to mold, minimizing the likelihood of recurring issues. 

Mold Damage Repairs and Restoration. Mold damage often requires repairs to restore the office space to its preloss condition. Mold remediation professionals are equipped to handle these repairs, whether they involve minor fixes or extensive renovations. They have the expertise to address structural damage, replace damaged materials, and restore the office space to a safe and functional state. 

Mold Damage Repair Prevention and Education. Mold remediation professionals also provide valuable guidance on preventive measures to minimize the risk of future mold growth. This includes recommendations for improved ventilation, moisture control, and regular maintenance. Educating office occupants about the signs of mold growth and the importance of prompt reporting can further contribute to a proactive approach to preventing mold-related issues. 

Why Hire Mold Remediation and Restoration Professionals 

Engaging mold remediation and restoration professionals offers several advantages when repairing mold damage in office spaces: 

  • Expertise: Professionals have in-depth knowledge of mold remediation techniques, industry guidelines, and safety protocols, ensuring effective and safe mold removal. 
  • Specialized Equipment: Mold remediation experts have access to advanced equipment designed for thorough mold removal, drying, and dehumidification. 
  • Safety: Mold remediation and restoration professionals follow strict safety measures to protect both their team and the office occupants from exposure to mold spores during the remediation process. 
  • Preventive Measures: Mold remediation professionals provide recommendations for preventing future mold growth, minimizing the risk of recurring issues, and ensuring a healthy environment. 

Mold growth in office spaces after a flood can pose serious health risks to employees and hinder productivity. Engaging mold remediation and restoration professionals is essential for effectively repairing mold damage and restoring a safe working environment. Through a comprehensive inspection process, containment, mold removal, drying, repairs, and preventive measures, the mold remediation professionals at SERVPRO of Wilson County ensure that your office space is free from mold and its associated health hazards. Don't let mold compromise your employees' well-being or your business's success—seek professional mold remediation after a flood and prioritize a healthy workplace. Call the mold remediation and repair experts at SERVPRO of Wilson County today!

SERVPRO Wilson County : What Causes Mold?

2/10/2021 (Permalink)

What causes mold?

Wilson County (

Mold can be a huge problem, not just for your house but for your health. If you let mold fester for too long, you may need to completely gut the affected area and replace your drywall for you to be able to safely use your space in the future. Read more to learn what causes mold, the difference between mildew and mold, and how to get rid of it once you spot it in your space.

Mold vs Mildew

To determine whether or not you have mold or mildew present in your space, you’ll first need to run a few tests. The first is the smell test. Mold and mildew both emit a damp, musty smell. Whereas mildew has a rotting wood smell to it, mold has a strong, earthy stink to it. The second test is a visual one; mildew grows very close to the surface whereas mold rises above the surface and often has a roundish shape and growth pattern to it. 

Causes of Mold Growth

Mold can grow just about anywhere. Most commonly though, you can find mold growing in areas such as your bathroom, kitchen, basement, cabinets or even near pipes or ducting areas. If you live in an area where humidity is consistently high, you may have a problem with mold. Even if you don’t live in a humid climate, moisture build-up in the air indoors could massively increase mold growth.

If your home is poorly ventilated, it could be a magnet for the growth of mold and the spreading of mold spores. If your basement or foundation has areas of dampness, it could lead to mold spores forming that can only be salvaged by a licensed mold remediation professional.

Getting Rid of Mold

If you’ve spotted mildew, rather than mold, you can clean it up quickly with a 1:10 solution of bleach. You can also use vinegar or a fungicide solution to deal with mildew. If you’ve found that your space has mold, take some pictures and send it to a mold remediation specialist to assess the severity of the mold and plan a course of action.

If the mold is fuzzy and black, it may be much worse than just unsightly. The area should be opened to check for structural damage. This is where having the right safety equipment is absolutely critical to keep you safe and your area free from mold in the future. If you don’t want to take the chance of getting sick from the colorless fumes that emit from toxic black mold spores, then make sure to call SERVPRO Wilson County at (615) 449-5000

SERVPRO Wilson County : The Effects of Mold

2/10/2021 (Permalink)

The Effects of Mold 

Wilson County (

Whether it is a cold, damp winter or a warm, humid summer, activities at home can result in moisture indoors and the appearance of mold. What should your reaction be like when you discovered mold in your home? To determine that, we need to understand what mold is, what it’s good for and how dangerous it is for humans to determine what your course of action should be if/when you find spores in your space. 

What is mold? 

Mold is a fungus that can spread through excessive moisture inside and outside of your commercial building. Bacteria are nearly 13 percent of the world’s biomass. Fungi — yeast, mold and mushrooms — make up about 2 percent of life on Earth. This is exponentially more than humans, which make up only one ten-thousandth of the life on Earth. 

What is mold good for? 

Mold isn’t all bad. These spores are essential for breaking down plants and trees, returning their vital constituents to the soil for future growth. Some of the products of mold?metabolism have great importance. For example, a mold called Rhizopus produces fumaric acid, which can be used in the production of the drug cortisone. Other molds can produce alcohol, citric acide, oxalic acid, or a wide range of other chemicals. 

Is mold dangerous for humans? 

For the sake of most instances of indoor mold regarding humans however, it may be most definitely dangerous. Mold can grow on a damp surface after only 48 hours following a flood or heavy rainstorm. This fungus could result in health effects. For those who are allergic, they may produce health effects, no different from dog and cat dander.

What to do if you find mold spores in your home? 

Abnormal mold spore counts on your property could result in structural damage and health effects for those who come into close proximity with it. After a flood or water leak, it can easily spread throughout an entire building, causing permanent structural damage if not remediated quickly. If you have found mold spores are forming in your home, make sure to call SERVPRO Wilson County at (615) 449-5000 for a consultation to assess the area and formulate a plan to restore your property to its original non-mold condition. 

Mold Remediation vs Mold Removal

12/5/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Wilson County Presents: Mold Removal vs Mold Remediation

We cannot see mold spores without magnification. The spores can survive almost anything.

Mold removal is impossible.

“Mold removal”

  • Get rid of all of the mold.


  • Get rid of all the mold spores.

Mold starts growing within 24 hours of exposure to moisture.

SERVPRO of Wilson County can’t promise the impossible. It CAN promise mold remediation.

SERVPRO of Wilson County is licensed in mold remediation.

“Mold remediation” 

  • Remove mold colonies.
  • Throw out whatever mold has destroyed.
  • Clean, dry, and disinfect the rest.
  • Identify materials that stayed wet for over 24-48 hours.
  • Throw out those items.
  • Identify moisture sources
    • leaking pipes
    • standing water
    • condensation
    • humidity (40% or higher)
  • Stop the moisture = Prevent mold


By law, only licensed professionals can remediate large areas. A “large area” is 10 square feet or more.


Mold Remediation and the EPA

11/6/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Wilson County presents: Mold in Drywall

Even a tiny bit of moisture can lead to mold growing in drywall.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ruled that only licensed professionals can clean any surface that has more than 10 square feet of mold. The EPA cannot know how you take care of your home or business, but you will need an inspection if you want to sell. You might not see all of the mold. The sooner you get rid of mold, the less damage it can cause.

SERVPRO of Wilson County is licensed in mold remediation.

Mold remediation means getting rid of the mold spores that become mold as well as fixing the root cause of the dampness. 


  • can start growing on a damp surface within 24 hours
  • can destroy the materials they grow on
  • can spread and destroy adjacent materials
  • grows from tiny spores that travel through the air

SERVPRO of Wilson County can:

  • remove drywall
  • disinfect certain surfaces
  • find the source of moisture
  • stop the moisture problem


Conditions in Your Wilson County Home Might Be Right for Mold

10/11/2018 (Permalink)

It’s estimated that more than 1 million types of mold exist, yet less than 10 percent have actually been named. This means mold is very common in both indoor and outdoor environments. While mold and humans can sometimes co-exist without issue, there are certain species of mold that can cause health effects for some people.

If the right conditions exist, mold will grow.  Those conditions include:

  • Water - Different mold types require varying amounts of liquid before growth begins.   
  • Temperature - Normal indoor temperatures will promote mold growth.
  • Time - Initial mold colonizers can take hold within one day after being exposed to an adequate water supply.

Mold growth can occur in any home, so it’s important to keep an eye out for situations that might promote mold activity. Roof/chimney leaks, wet basements, or condensation from ducts that dampen surrounding insulation are just a few examples of issues that make a house a prime target for mold growth.

If you suspect mold in your home, call SERVPRO of Wilson County to assess the situation. We have the knowledge, tools and track record to effectively remediate mold in your home or business.

If you suspect mold, call us today at 615-449-5000.

What to Do:

  • Stay out of affected areas.
  • Turn off the HVAC system and fans.
  • Contact SERVPRO of Wilson County for mold remediation services.

Mold in Your Home

10/10/2018 (Permalink)

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has guidelines concerning mold. SERVPRO of Wilson County would like to share these guidelines.

 Question- What Causes Mold to Grow:

  1. Moisture
  2. Warmth
  3. Protein-Protein is in building materials like drywall
  4. It is also in wood and in many paint
  5. Skin cells (we shed them all the time)
  6. Dog and cat dander

How to eliminate a mold problem AFTER an inspector has identified the type of mold:

  1. Call a licensed professional. SERVPRO of Wilson County is licensed in mold remediation. We know how to clean up the different mold types
  2. Be aware, there can be much more mold than you see. Mold spores are tiny
  3. Without proper training, equipment, and safety measures, you should NOT try to resolve the problem yourself


Lebanon residents: Follow These Mold Safety Tips If You Suspect Mold

4/27/2018 (Permalink)

If you see visible mold, do not disturb it. You can inadvertently spread the mold infestation throughout your home. When mold is disturbed, the mild can release microscopic mold spores which become airborne and can circulate inside your home.

What to Do:

  • Stay out of affected areas.
  • Turn off the HVAC system and fans.
  • Contact SERVPRO of Wilson County for mold remediation services.

What Not to Do:

  • Don't touch or disturb the mold.
  • Don't blow air across any surfaces with visible or suspected mold growth.
  • Don't attempt to dry the area yourself.
  • Don't spray bleach or other disinfectants on the mold.

About Our Mold Remediation Services

SERVPRO of Wilson County specializes in mold cleanup and restoration, in fact, it's a cornerstone of our business. Our crews are highly trained restoration professionals that use specialized equipment and techniques to properly remediate your mold problem quickly and safely.

Does Your Wilson County Home Have A Mold Problem?

4/5/2018 (Permalink)

Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore count back to its natural or baseline level. Some restoration businesses advertise "mold removal" and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

Know How to Spot Mold Growth in Your Watertown Home

12/15/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Evaluates Mold Quickly For Best Remediation Results

Mold damage is no joke. If you are not proactive, mold can wreak havoc on your Watertown property. However, if you know how to spot the early signs of mold growth, you can prevent the situation from turning into a total catastrophe.
Mold remediation experts here at SERVPRO stand the best chance to eliminate mold if they are called upon as soon as mold damage is seen on your Watertown property. Here are few things to help you identify mold damage and seek professional help.

  • Know where mold grows

Mold loves moisture and organic matter. The most common places for mold growth are bathrooms, laundry rooms, and kitchens where there is plenty of both moisture and organic matter for the mold to feed on. Also, make sure that you check your attics for leakage and mold growth. Other places to look for mold include windowsills, ducts, basements and crawl spaces.

  • Adjust the humidity of your home

Getting the right sized AC unit and dehumidifier is the key to preventing excessive moisture. The size of the AC and dehumidifier will depend on both the size of your home and the climate as well. If you live in a humid climate, make sure that you have the right sized dehumidification system to combat the excessive moisture. A relative humidity of 85% or more for prolonged periods can be inviting for mold growth. Make sure that you monitor the humidity of your property even when you are not at home.

  • Don’t ignore small spots or moldy odor

Little spots of mold can be easily missed, especially if they are present in corners and cracks. Make sure that you pay close attention to these places and call on the professionals here at SERVPRO as soon as you see them. Also, don't ignore any moldy smell in your home. If your crawlspace or basement smells like mold, seek professional help as soon as you can.
SERVPRO mold experts are trained and certified professionals and can help you get your mold problems under control in no time. They stand the best chance if they spring into action at the earliest stage.
Call SERVPRO of Wilson County at (615) 449-5000 to schedule an appointment and talk to a mold expert today!

For more information regarding the city of Watertown, click here.

Reduce The Risk Of Mold Damage In Watertown By Checking Your Roof For These Common Causes Of Leaks

11/7/2017 (Permalink)

The Common Causes Of Roof Leaks

No one wants to find a leak in their Watertown roof. A leaking roof usually means costly repairs which are often disruptive. Roof damage is a headache. There is another side effect of roof leaks that you might not realize, mold damage. Water seeping into your home creates areas of damp, and fungus thrives when it has water and a food source.

Unfortunately, your home provides mold with ample food sources, such as drywall and even wallpaper. SERVPRO suggests checking out these common causes of roof leaks so you can deal with them before the damage to your home gets any worse.

Look for wear and tear around vents, pipes or flues. Anywhere that a channel exits your roof, there is a risk of wear and tear to the exit point. Such rough spots easily spread and provide water with an entrance point. Of course, this also includes chimneys which are huge pipes coming out of your roof. Water can leak down inside your chimney and seep into the smallest cracks, and might also pool around the base of the stack.

Shingle damage is a leading cause of roof leaks. You probably do not pay much attention to your roof shingles on a daily basis. However, shingles suffer daily wear as a result of being exposed to the element, and they are not made of indestructible material. It only takes one crack in a tile to start a leak. Check your roof for damage once a year, or hire a handyman to do it for you if you do not want to climb up there.

Roof flashing is the top cause of roof leaks. Flashing refers to the metal strips that cover seams or other meeting points on your roof. Low-quality strips corrode over time and cease to function correctly, thus letting water into your home.

SERVPRO recommends checking your roof for damage regularly. It is also a good idea to check the rooms nearest the roof, especially dark or little-used attics where mold can grow unnoticed. Call us at the first sign of mold – our IICRC-certified technicians are ready to provide efficient fungus remediation.

For help with mold growth in Green Hill, Watertown, Lebanon and surrounding areas, call SERVPRO of Wilson County at (615) 449-5000 today.

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Treating Mold Damage on Lebanon Furnitures

9/27/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Can Remediate Mold Damage to Belongings and Furnishings

House furniture is highly susceptible to water damage and, consequently, mold damage. This is especially because most furniture is made of wood, which is a hygroscopic material. In other words, it can soak up and retain water (like a sponge.) While this may be good for the tree, it can be disastrous for your Lebanon home's furniture. Within a matter of days, mold growth can occur and lead to heavy losses and possible health effects.
SERVPRO has highly trained technicians based in Lebanon if you notice signs of mold damage on your furniture. We have industry-standard products designed to eliminate mold growth on any materials, including wooden furniture. Following IICRC recommendations, our professional mold remediation experts can restore your property to preloss conditions as quickly as possible.
Metal furniture is highly resistant to mold damage because of the relatively insufficient organic materials present, which are essential for mold to thrive. However, the paint on the metal furniture may contain some form of cellulose, on which the mold can feed. Additionally, if your furniture is seated next to a house plant, organic materials can transfer to the surface and facilitate mold growth. The effect on the metal may include rusting, tarnishing, and other forms of weakening oxidation.
Wood furniture is much more vulnerable to mold damage because it is an organic material in and of itself. Even wood vanish, wood glue, and wax finish can contain organic materials for mold to feed on. Thanks to the porous nature of wood, mold spores can easily seep into the grains and expand into colonies that structurally weaken your furniture. Wood that has sustained severe mold damage can succumb to rotting and risk spreading the mold further into your home.
Upholstered furniture has the worst reaction to mold growth. Most upholstery consists of organic materials such as cotton, leather, silk, and linen - all food sources for mold. These materials are porous too, meaning that mold can easily penetrate deep into the cushions and fabrics and contaminate the entire furniture. When this happens, there is little we can do other than discarding the piece and replacing it with another one.
Choosing the right furniture for your home takes time and a lot of research, which is why you cannot afford to tolerate mold growth. As soon as possible, alert SERVPRO of Wilson County to inspect and treat any signs of mold damage on your furniture. We are available 24/7 at (615) 449-5000.

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HEPA Vacuuming and Damp Wiping as Part of Mold Damage Remediation in Your Lebanon Basement

8/16/2017 (Permalink)

There are Many Effective Stages in the SERVPRO Mold Damage Remediation Process

It is a fact that mold loves moisture. It needs a damp environment in which to grow, which unfortunately for you as a homeowner means that if you have any damp areas in your house, there is a chance of mold growing there. Bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms are particularly susceptible and of course so is your basement. Basements are quite often damp and cold, especially if yours is used for storage rather than as part of your home.
Even in homes where the basement is just a storage space, it is important to deal with fungus as soon as it is discovered. Colonies that are left untreated have the capability to spread and cause mold damage in Lebanon to other areas of your home. There is also a possibility of items in your basement suffering mold damage and thus needing to be thrown away and replaced. That is an expense no one wants which is why we recommend calling SERVPRO at the first sign of mold – We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster.
There are many stages to mold remediation but today let us talk about two mainstays that help in all containment and remediation situations: HEPA vacuuming and damp wiping.
HEPA vacuums contain specialist filters that trap particles as small as 0.3 microns. True HEPA filters are capable of trapping 99.97% of microns of a size of 0.3 microns or bigger. HEPA vacuuming is an important part of mold remediation because the machine traps mold and thus removes it from surfaces.
When a surface is dry and nonporous such as plastic, glass or metal, HEPA vacuuming alone might be enough to get rid of the mold. However, it is often necessary to follow up vacuuming with another cleaning action such as damp wiping, especially for wet surfaces or where the mold is growing in a layer of soils.
Damp wiping is a simple cleaning action that makes a big difference during the remediation process. Affected surfaces are carefully wiped from top to bottom because spores tend to settle downwards. Our SERVPRO teams have a range of detergents at hand to us during the wiping process and pick the best one for the job.
Our IICRC-certified technicians understand the importance of proper technique when vacuuming and wiping, such as cleaning downwards, cleaning in the direction of the negative air machine if there is one in use, and allowing time for spores and dust to settle between cleaning rounds.
Do not let mold spread from your basement throughout your home. Call SERVPRO of Wilson County today at (615) 449-5000 for help.
For more information regarding Lebanon, click here

SERVPRO - Lebanon Mold Damage

4/27/2017 (Permalink)

Has Mold Taken Over your Lebanon Home?

Fire and water damage are evident to even a casual observer. A homeowner, insurance agent or a restoration specialist can begin the process of categorizing damage and repairs once they set foot on the property. Combating mold is a slightly more difficult process to begin.

The first step to stopping mold damage in Lebanon is finding it. SERVPRO maintains a trained team of inspectors who have the latest in training and detection equipment to find mold growth and then direct our 24-hour response team in the best way to keep it from spreading and remove it.

A mass of spores, no larger than a pinhead, can contain thousands. When this small mass is disturbed, the spores spread out in every direction. How far they spread is determined by the amount of force that strikes the mass and the airflow around the affected area. Even a gentle air current can spread spores down hallways and into multiple rooms. The air currents generated in a house fire are much more violent and push mold spores farther throughout the structure.

After they spread, spores can lie dormant on any surface for months or years. While they are clear to see on a kitchen counter, spores are invisible on a high shelf in a laundry room or garage. Spores wait, hiding in these places, for three conditions to grow; they are a high moisture level, food source, and the right temperature range.

The air humidity is much greater after flooding or other water damage. If the fire department responded to a fire in your home, the standing water left after they stopped the event serves the same purpose. Spores expand thanks to the extra moisture and send out a network of hyphae that spread across a surface or grow down into it if it is a suitable food source and once the temperature is between 68 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit.

Mold grows especially well on paper material in drywall and the wood in floors and wall paneling. The cotton, rayon, and wool in carpets and rugs are also excellent food sources for a thriving mold colony. Once we remove the standing water and expose the property item to air, spores begin to expand within hours. Our inspectors use specially designed air content meters to check for mold before deciding to pull up a carpet or begin pulling down drywall.


Locally Owned Company with National Resources

If mold is suspected, our inspectors enter every crawlspace, look behind every wall, and dig under every floor to clean it out. SERVPRO of Wilson County understands that any missed spores quickly grow again if we do not remove them or change the conditions to prevent further growth. If you need our help or simply suspect there may be a problem, contact us at (615) 449-5000 today.

Qualified Mold Damage Mitigation Services Available In Watertown

3/17/2017 (Permalink)

Need Mold Remediation? Contact SERVPRO for Help

Mold growth can produce devastating results in any home, while some molds also produce mycotoxins that are known toxic molds that often affect human health. Regardless of the type or amount of mold that exists on your property, professional remediation services are your best bet for getting things under control and preventing future contamination.
A proper mold remediation company can provide you with services required to restore mold damaged areas in your Watertown home including crawl spaces, basements, and attics. This company should also be able to produce IICRC certifications and introduce you to OSHA & EPA standards concerning the treatment and removal of mold infected materials found in your home.
Mold problems exist in your home due to flooding, leaky roofing material or indoor plumbing issues. Mold enters your home through the air, passing through vents in your walls and ceilings, often condensing in moisture areas during various weather conditions. Even when the right conditions fail to exist, mold spores can remain dormant and reactivate its growth cycle whenever humidity levels increase.
Mold remediation services, like those offered at SERVPRO, use containment and control procedures to limit the area of exposure. Negative air pressure systems, air scrubbers, and dehumidifiers clean the indoor air quality found within the affected area and removing the harmful agents, eliminating conditions that allow growth to occur.
SERVPRO technicians use various physical removal methods to mitigate damages found on your property. Porous materials such as sheetrock and wood can become saturated by mold growth and require removal to get the contamination under control.
After disposing of overly infected materials, SERVPRO technicians use EPA-registered disinfectants to treat various hard surfaces in your home and continue drying, cleaning, and deodorization services that help return your property to a quality preloss condition.
We even have specific services available to address the contents of your home caught in the affected area. Often having success in restoring many of the items you may have thought of as a loss.
Take a few minutes to contact SERVPRO of Wilson County today for additional information concerning our mold remediation services and obtain the services you and your family deserve. You may be surprised by the results you receive. (615) 449-5000

SERVPRO Mold Damage Watertown

3/8/2017 (Permalink)

Removing excess water and moisture is not enough to eliminate the threat mold poses to your home. It is simply the first step to stopping an infectious spore growth that can easily cause as much damage to a structure and other property as water or fire.

Mold damage in Watertown homes has to be dealt with quickly to return them to their original state. If this process takes too long, then the resulting permanent damage can be extensive. SERVPRO defines four tasks necessary to accomplish this and return you to your apartment or house as quickly as possible.

First Step - Containment
Our response team makes certain the mold does not spread to uncontaminated areas of your home and to protect anyone that may enter these areas during the remediation process in underway. To do this, we install containment barriers (plastic sheeting) at entrances and exits.
Next, team members establish air movers and exhaust fans to create negative air pressure in the contaminated area. Negative air blows loose mold spores and those dislodged by remediation outside your home. At the same time, we also tape shut your HVAC vents to prevent mold from blowing into other rooms of your home.

Second Step - Remove Contamination
Our actions here depend on the type of surface. Porous materials such as drywall and fabrics (curtains) that have visible mold growth are thrown out. We clean nonporous surfaces like glass, marble and many plastics that resist mold.
Technicians use specially designed vacuums with HEPA filters to remove loose mold from damp surfaces and mold covering dry surfaces. These filters are made to catch even a single spore from your property.

Third Step - Clean Surfaces
Team members clean all surfaces in two directions: From top to bottom and with the airflow. These motions support the negative air pressure previously established and make it more efficient. Dry surfaces may only require wiping down with soft cloths while a wet surface may require using one of the anti-fungal or anti-microbial cleaners we keep on-hand.

Fourth Step - Dry the Structure
With cleaning completed, the emphasis is now on preventing spores from expanding and growing again. Our technicians add dehumidifiers to the air movers and exhaust fans already in your home to lower the air moisture levels which forces mold spores back into an inert state.

Remediating the effects of mold growth is a lengthy process. SERVPRO of Wilson County is here to make it as painless as possible and get you back into your home. Call us at (615) 449-5000 today if you suspect there is a problem and want one of our inspectors to take a look.

Take Immediate Action When Dealing With Mold Damage In Your Lebanon Home

2/3/2017 (Permalink)

Take Swift Action With Mold

One day, you notice one of your basement windows completely fogged over, but think little of it. You have been using the basement of your home for storage and are constantly in and out for various reasons.

The existence of condensation is a rather strong indication that water issues are causing excessive moisture, which means that the right conditions for mold damage exist somewhere in your Lebanon home. If the area affected by mold is big enough, it is likely to require professional mold remediation services from a certified expert. A musty, dank odor accompanies the first signs of mold intrusion into your living space. If you have recently experienced flood waters, excessive ongoing condensation, or if you have had a plumbing problem recently, and never cleaned things up properly, mold damage is developing in the area where the leak occurred, even if you cannot see it.

The last thing you want to do is to attempt the remediation yourself, especially if the affected area is larger than three square feet. A quality remediation company like SERVPRO can help you locate the moisture source, stop it, and get any mold contamination under control, quickly and efficiently, restoring a safe, healthy environment in your home. Since the visual signs of mold growth are often small, SERVPRO technicians have experienced different situations with mold issues, where homeowners have gone on for several weeks without taking action, and we would like to prevent this type of scenario from happening to you. Waiting to take care of the problem, causes more contamination to develop and additional damages to occur. You may have heard that procrastination kills, in this case, procrastination thrives.

There are several different types of mold, SERVPRO technicians experience a large variety, depending on the circumstances that exist. Certain kinds of microscopic mold spores develop into large colonies that look like ordinary dirt, while other types of mold appear blatantly white, and others develop into clusters of black spots. Small patches quickly spread over vast areas, hidden or visual. All it takes is 24 to 48-hours to spread, which means that you should take action as soon as possible if you find even the smallest mold spots developing anywhere in your home.

Contact SERVPRO of Wilson County today for all of your mold damage and remediation needs (615) 449-5000.

Maintaining Your Watertown Sauna

12/18/2016 (Permalink)

Your Watertown Sauna May Be at Risk of Having Mold Damage

A sauna experience can be quite healthful and relaxing, but because of the humidity and heat which is generated in combination with human contact, it is also the perfect place for mildew and mold to grow. You can take some easy steps to take to keep your sauna looking great and to discourage mildew and mold growth. Most saunas are constructed of unfinished wood like red cedar. Putting an applied finish on will make the surface very hot to the touch. One exception to this is finished duckboards, the loose platforms on the floor, and applied finishes on door handles using polyurethane or varnish to keep constant contact from turning them dirty and dark.

Maintaining Your Sauna

The last thing you want to have in your sauna is mold damage, as this could create costly cleanup or replacement.To keep your sauna from having mold damage in Watertown, keep up with the simple steps below on a regular basis:

Using plain water and a soft-bristled brush on the benches and walls each time after use will get rid of dust and dirt. If perspiration has stained and accumulated on the wooden benches, a warm solution of water and a bit of mild detergent can be used with a sponge or soft bristle brush to wipe down surfaces.

Without using excess water, ensure you are rinsing the wooden surfaces after each use thoroughly with a clean terry cloth or sponge. Also, lift the duckboards and set them against the benches before leaving your sauna.
If you do see mildew or mold start to grow on the surfaces, you should seek professional help from a mold remediation service such as SERVPRO, who have the right equipment to get rid of the mold properly. They can also check for any mold which might be hidden.

Occasionally, perspiration will stain the wooden surfaces a dark color. Using a solution of oxalic crystals and warm water will lighten the wood and return it back to its original look. If you have a wooden bucket in your sauna, it should be tipped over before you leave the sauna. You should also prop open the sauna door when you are done to let the right air flow in. This will help prevent bacteria and mold growth.

Lastly, do not pour big amounts of cold water over the hot sauna rocks, as this can damage them. Instead, pour no more than a cup or so of warm water over the rocks at one time to get the steam that is desired.


Locally Owned Company with National Resources

If after all your efforts you still wind up getting mold growth in your sauna, remember to contact us at SERVPRO of Wilson County instead of trying to clean it up yourself. We have the knowledge and experience to get rid of your mold problem, so do not hesitate to give us a call at (615) 449-5000.

SERVPRO Is Serving Our Civilian and Military Communities Against Mold Damage

10/12/2016 (Permalink)

Mold Remediation Is Professionally Remediated by SERVPRO

With Round Lick Creek and Beach Log Creek running through town, the threat of flooding and other water damage is an ongoing concern. Water is usually easy to remove though it's simple to tell when it's gone. That's not what catches so many homeowners by surprise.

If not discovered or left untreated, mold can do more damage to a Watertown home or business than six inches of standing water. Since it is impossible to clean 100% of these fungi, what we at SERVPRO works to is the sanitary level. This is the point where it is safe to allow occupants to return to the home or business. By comparison, an operating room is not considered safe until it is cleaned to a sterile level. A sterile environment is just not possible or necessary in the average home.

We achieve a sanitary level of cleaning with extensive testing and using some of the best equipment in the restoration business. Our inspectors and technicians are trained to industry standards. These IICRC certified in AMRT, applied microbial remediation technicians, have the skill set to defeat mold outbreaks.

We'll begin with a complete building inspection. If any mold spores are discovered, our inspectors will trace it to the source and discover just how extensive it may be. If the infestation hasn't reached your HVAC system, our technicians will seal off all vents and duct work to prevent any possible spread during the cleaning process.

The next step will be to set up a series of exhaust fans to blow any spores in the infected area out of the building during cleaning. To reduce the moisture of the room, carpets, and floors, technicians will also set up a series of dehumidifiers to return them to their normal moisture content.

Now, anti-microbial and anti-fungal cleaners and foggers will be deployed to neutralize it. Once the source has been mitigated, then our technicians will begin work to remove the mold spore dust and other particulates using specialized, commercial vacuums with HEPA filters and air scrubbers.

If you suspect mold damage in your home or business, call us today at (615) 449-5000 for an inspection and to begin the restoration process. SERVPRO of Wilson County is ready to support our civilian and military communities.

Remediation Of Mold Damage And Avoiding Future Growth

8/26/2016 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Suggests Elimination of Moisture to Inhibit Mold Growth

Where water has infiltrated a building the potential of mold damage exists, requiring you to seek a professional opinion on how to treat the mold and repair your home or business’s premises. Rely on the expertise of the trained technicians from SERVPRO  to advise you on the best course to restore the integrity of areas in a structure infested by a mold outbreak. Our approach to mold issues inside a building is balanced and responsible, taking into consideration the underlying reasons fungi present themselves as an issue to be solved for you, your family or business. We pledge, to be honest, and straightforward as we discuss your concerns, basing our recommendations on science and best practices rather than fear or unattainable promises.
If you are struggling with mold damage in Gladeville we first take the time to explain the processes creating this challenging problem. Our trained staff will assess your particular situation and offer many pronged approaches to inhibit the growth of mold in your home or business and repair the existing damage. We advise first to discover and then to eliminate any source of moisture as an effort to remove mold and repair its damage. The mold remediation will fail if water continues to feed its growth. Then we will explore ways both to restore the look and structure of your building and to avoid future mold infestations.
Mold spores are everywhere, a fact of life, tiny and often unobtrusive unless conditions are ripe for their growth. After we at SERVPRO remediate your mold damage, our mission is to advise you on how to make your home or business unlikely to promote mold growth later. Eliminating leaks from windows, appliances and roofs and any other sources of moisture are essential, including monitoring humidity levels. We offer many tips to help you cultivate an environment that is unlikely to support future mold development and the resulting damage.
Be prepared in the fight against mold damage and contact SERVPRO of Wilson County when you are fearful you see or smell mold in your business or home. Knowledgeable mold remediation technicians are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at (615) 449-5000. Stop worrying and take action by giving us a call to help you put your home back in balance if pesky mold spores have multiplied.

Old Hickory Mold Assessment and Remediation

8/14/2015 (Permalink)

Mold Assessment and Remediation 

Old Hickory mold growth will affect all types of homes. There are many types of fungi. Black mold grows on cellulose surfaces such as wood, hay or paper. Dealing with mold can be difficult and involves a comprehensive inspection that will assess the location and cause of the mold and create a plan for dealing with it. This is best done by SERVPRO they will ensure the mold and its source are eliminated.

Assessment and Cause
All molds require wet environments to grow. This is especially true of black mold. This means that the most common causes of mold are water leaks, flooding or extensive use of humidifiers in an enclosed space. Once affected areas are identified, determining the source of the moisture and how to stop, it is the most important step when assessing a Old Hickory mold problem.

Remediation, or treatment of a Old Hickory mold problem, may involve some steps depending on the severity of the mold. Less extensive surface molds can often be scrubbed away with soap and water. An air purifier may be used to deal with mold spores already in the air. If mold growth is deeper than the surface, then the entire affected piece will need to be removed to stop the mold from coming back or spreading. This may require the replacement of furniture or parts of walls or flooring. Such extensive and deep mold growth is common after severe flooding and water damage to the home. Mold is notoriously difficult to eradicate, and if any mold colonies or airborne spores are left behind, they may continue to grow and spread the mold.

Fixing the source of the mold usually involves dealing with the water or moisture that allowed it grow in the first place. If the moisture was caused by a one-time event such as a flood, then simply drying out the space with heaters and fans may be an important step. If the assessment discovers another long-term problem such as a leaky pipe, that will need to be fixed to prevent the mold from recurring.

Homeowners can prevent or limit the Old Hickory mold growth by keeping careful watch over the moisture in their home. Always vent spaces where large amounts of steam accumulate such as in the shower, kitchen, or any room that uses a humidifier. Identify and fix broken pipes or leaks quickly. If a flood does occur, dry the affected area as quickly as possible before mold growth sets in.

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

SERVPRO of Wilson County is locally owned and operated—so we live and work here too and are proud to be part of this community. We are proud to provide mold remediation services in our local communities:

We are proud to serve our local communities:

We are here in Old Hickory and are ready to help you. Just call us. (615) 449-5000

Top 10 Tips for Preventing Mold Damage in a Water Damaged Nashville Home

4/27/2015 (Permalink)

Mold infestations can begin very shortly after a water damage emergency, in sometimes as little as 48 hours. If your Nashville home is flooded due to burst pipes or a natural disaster, it will greatly benefit you in the long run to do everything you safely can to reduce the amount of permanent damage. Many molds are virtually harmless to human life, while others cause respiratory problems, irritations of the eyes, nose, and throat, or severe infections that cause vomiting and lethargy. Mold also threatens sensitive materials, especially paper and fabrics. Thankfully, a prompt and thorough cleanup will do much to prevent mold damage in Nashville.

1. Increase ventilation by keeping doors and windows open to increase the speed at which standing water evaporates. If you can safely use power, your A/C and fans will help the process.

2. Carpets and pads that have been soaked should be disposed of to allow the flooring to dry faster. You want to give the structural aspects of your house as much breathability as possible.

3. Upholstered furniture, mattresses, and pillows too are difficult to clean and take a long time to dry. Throw them out before they contribute to the amount of moisture in the house, or attract mold damage themselves.

4. Wet wallboard is very likely to facilitate a mold damage invasion, and should be taken down where affected, especially if it has begun to visibly swell or deteriorate.

5. Make copies of any books, papers, and documents that have been soaked as you can, but don't try to keep them in the house. If they aren't important, dispose of them immediately.

6. For vinyl and ceramic floors, mop up any excess water with a disinfecting cleaner. Check underneath them to make sure the layers below haven't been saturated.

7. Draperies and curtains are easier to save than most upholsteries so long as you have them washed or dry cleaned according to their requirements, but don't leave them hanging over your open windows obstructing airflow.

8. Through fans, dehumidifiers, and air circulation, desaturase hardwood floors as best you can. However, don't use heat to dry them, as they'll be damaged and warped.

9. Wet ceiling tiles need to be removed and discarded. Let the space be exposed until it's dry.

10. If you find yourself needing to do all of the above, chances are you need to hire a professional water remediation service. Professionals have the experience, expertise, and tools to efficiently remove all moisture from a house, and are the safest choice for preventing Nashville mold damage and other damages.

When a home suffers a water damage event, a mold infestation can quickly arise and spread throughout a home in 48-72 hours. Because mold can produce allergens and irritants, you will want a professional that has training and experience to properly resolve the mold infestation. For flood damage cleanup, residential cleaning services, household mold removal, serve pro service company, water damage, mold removal, mold removal company, how to get rid of mold, damaged by mold, identifying mold contact SERVPRO of Wilson County. If you suspect that your Nashville home or business has a mold problem, SERVPRO of Wilson County can inspect, assess and remediate your property.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today – (615) 449-5000